Walking Together
Albert D. Marshall, Louise Zimanyi

Remember that you are never alone no matter where you are: in a park, in your backyard, in the forest, at a river, lake, or ocean. Nature surrounds you wherever you go, teaching you about plants, animals, and even about your own self!
But how can you say thank you and show your gratitude for the goodness of nature? Teaching children to share their wonder and curiosity—asking questions, building relationships, and looking for different ways to know through their own two eyes, this book reminds us that Nature has rights and we have responsibilities.
Walking Together nurtures respectful, reciprocal, responsible relationships with the Land and Water, plant life, animals, and other-than-human beings for the benefit of all. It teaches us that when we walk together in a good way, our actions are always in harmony and balance with the Land and All Our Relations.